Currently I am working on a CAS-like TI-BASIC program for the TI-84 cpse, and if anyone has input concerning "pseudo-commands" that I should implement and what they do, e.g. ifactor(, solve(, etc., it would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Sure, those are some great starts. You could also try expand() , arcLength(), summation() along with a plethora of others. I would like to ask though, how far along are you in the programming?
Well, I'm trying to use strings in such a way that the program recognizes constants versus variables without having to program EVERY possible input, though the program will end up being extremely large.
I'm relatively new to programing in general, TI basic being the first language for me to learn, but I think that this would be a great way to test the limits of TI basic.
Thank you for the functions too!
By the way, I think you should refer to Tari's post in
this topic, as it explains the high-level basics of building an equation parser.
Any chance of a free alternative to the ZoomMath series (a premier CAS system for the 84 series) which has mathprint, or a variant? Symbolic is good, but doesn't have mathprint, making it slightly limiting to use. Plus there is that issue of uninstallation.
I suggest using some method to detect the length of the string, and use
Code: sub(
for every single digit in the equation to check for ='s, +'es, etc. Good luck on this project.
asi14 wrote:
Any chance of a free alternative to the ZoomMath series (a premier CAS system for the 84 series) which has mathprint, or a variant? Symbolic is good, but doesn't have mathprint, making it slightly limiting to use. Plus there is that issue of uninstallation.
Symbolic + PrettyPrint.
Thank you all for your help! The information that you've shown has given me hope that it's actually possible
Also, you can use the "Solver..." function. Go to the homescreen and do Math, B. You can use this in programs too. So you can simplify the equation so there is only 1 variable and 1 solution and Solver solves for you. Also you can use the matrix rref( to solve multiple variables multiple solutions. Solver might be easier to set up/do than matrixes, though.
My school dictates us to learn how to use matrices so I think I can implement that! Thank you asian!
Rref() can indeed be a good tool for solving systems of equations (as long as they are not underspecified). Good luck writing one, and we are here to help if you have questions.
I finally decided to get working on this project again!
First off, I am developing this a piece at a time, with each command currently being an isolated entity.
Secondly, this will only support expressions with one variable, as any more and the program, no matter how optimized, would far exceed the ram on the calculator.
try an external library. Or, if this is assembly, turn it into an application or an OS patch.