1) How did you first learn about Cemetech and what aspect influenced you to stay?
IIRC i got here over DCS, from ticalc.org
2) Do you feel as if we have similarities outside of calculator programming naturally. If so, what are they? For example, UT2004, Minecraft, computer and web programming, electronics, Doctor Who, and so on.
Well, programming in general and Linux
3) For what reason(s) do you frequent Cemetech over other sites like Omnimaga or TIPlanet? (Or vise-versa)?
Hm, I happen to be omni support staff by now. Anyways, the calculator community is just friendly in general and i often get questions about, like Linux, awnsered quicker here than in like ##linux, which is pretty awesome IMO. But most of all because it is so friendly here
Oh, wait, the question was asked differentley: I tend to be more on omni because no idea and because I'm staff there by now, but i started to regulary frequent IRC now (instead of only idling)
4) Do you consider the community of Cemetech to have a main goal(s)? (if so, what are they?)
Leading the way to the future of cource

Other than that, teaching students how to program.
5) How do you feel your relationship is with other members?
Seing it's been quite some time since I've been active here on cemetech I don't /really/ know yet, even though you guys are still very friendly ^.^
6) Do you find that Cemetech (and calc programming) has helped you in the outside world?
That people see me more as a nerd?
7) What is your favorite inside joke/lingo/shared social item?

What country are you from (if you feel like sharing)? Have you ever met any other Cemetech member in person?
9) What (if anything) could we do to attract you to spend more time on Cemetech?
Well, IMO the quick reply should be handled over ajax (seemingly less loading).
And, to be honest, I don't really like saxjax. Its IRC-connecion id pretty slow in both directions, and it only checks for new updates ever n seconds, over a long http call you could do far less bandwidth and have the chatting more instant. (also, [] instead of <> around nick, but that is like just so tiny
