What has been done:
- Enemies will now wander around
I just broke the walking part

Can't figure it out.
List from other page:
- Add in thug firing sprites
- Let the AI shoot the player if in LOS
- Make bullets hit opposing sides (no FF)
- Add in hitpoints to characters
- Make the enemies die somehow, this will probably need more animation work (last on the list)
- Let enemies spawn
- Let the player capture targets
- Add in a title screen
- Add in events to let the player progress in the map
- Add in the end-level sequence
- Finish making the map
AI now spawn randomly and despawn
You can kill the AI
AI can't shoot you, not enough time to draw that stuff.
Progressing in the map is added, not 100% done, but it works
You can capture targets
AI see if you are in LOS, but can't fire
No elevator control, still not added in.
Crouching not added yet.
The please note that the readme assumes that you know how to play elevator action. If not, I should say so here:
- Controls: Shift - Shoot
- Arrows - Move
- Parts of the level will be off-limits until you capture the targets, marked as red doors. to do that, walk to them and hit up.
- Ride the elevators all the way down and have fun shooting!
There are bugs that I found when I tested... after the deadline: The animated fan is causing a random glitch on the elevator when you start, no idea why yet.
Again, this is a tech demo, there will be bugs, but this is a very large project.
Also, those numbers in the entry, I didn't have time to remove them, sorry. I built the final addin 1 minute before the contest ended. The top is the ticks until a new spawn phase takes place. The bottom is the address of the last added ai controller.
So, what now? Due to the nature of my time management on projects, this took up a lot of time, so I am now on to other things. BUT! This is not the end - I will pick this up later to try to finish it, but for now, I am trying to understand LLVM.
AHelper wrote:
So, what now? Due to the nature of my time management on projects, this took up a lot of time, so I am now on to other things. BUT! This is not the end - I will pick this up later to try to finish it, but for now, I am trying to understand LLVM.
That's excellent, especially considering my hopes for C and the TI-84+ C Silver Edition. I'm glad to hear that this project won't be abandoned, though; the "one hour" left on Raptor and similar projects always sticks in my craw.
KermMartian wrote:
AHelper wrote:
So, what now? Due to the nature of my time management on projects, this took up a lot of time, so I am now on to other things. BUT! This is not the end - I will pick this up later to try to finish it, but for now, I am trying to understand LLVM.
That's excellent, especially considering my hopes for C and the TI-84+ C Silver Edition. I'm glad to hear that this project won't be abandoned, though; the "one hour" left on Raptor and similar projects always sticks in my craw. "one hour"? Hmm?
KermMartian wrote:
the "one hour" left on Raptor and similar projects always sticks in my craw.
Same here... it's a shame that great games like Raptor will always give a bit of that unfinished feeling. I hope this one doesn't go into that category.
Behold, some progress! I have misplaced the source for some utilities, however I should begin finishing the required sprites soon as I still have binaries. I will have to do extensive refactoring on the rendering code and other interactions to both increase drawing speed, improve tile redraw checking, and fix drawing, AI, and movement. Expect gifs from upcoming progress.
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