Hello, MLP thread! Let me tell you what I think of the show. It's great.
I'm not a brony in the sense that I go watch it in my spare time, but I will find a good excuse to watch it, like when my younger sisters or brony younger brother do.
Something I find interesting about the show is that some episodes are strangely symbolic and allegorical. For instance, in the Season 2 finale (the 2-part wedding episode), the unrealistic plot device of a magical impostor resembles something all too real in society: the facade. Basically, in the episode, an undesirable person (Queen Chrysalis) pretends to be the perfect person (Princess Cadence) in order to get what she wants out of the object of her desire (Shining Armor). The target is completely oblivious to this until it's too late, but a third party (Twilight Sparkle) who knows the target well is able to see through the disguise instantly. Sadly, as soon as the impostor gets what she wants out of the target, her true, more sinister nature comes out. But fortunately for Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, and all of us in similar circumstances, the true Princess Cadence exists, no matter how hard she is to find. I told that to a friend of mine who can never seem to find a good girl, and that just made his day.
I also like how the characters, more or less, learn from their mistakes and improve upon themselves. It isn't obvious because the show doesn't have much continuity, but it is there. One of the greater disappointments I have in modern television (I'm looking at you, Spongebob) is that they don't do this, sometimes even going so far as to offer ways to improve and deliberately ignore them.
As for a favorite pony, I have no clue.