I'm starting (hope to finish this one) a new project in C to Port over RFK from ASM to prizms' C, it seems alot easier than trying to work on my enduro port, as the graphics are all ASCII, so I might even be able to do this in BASIC, though I feel C will be much faster, wish me luck, and I hope I can at least get a decent start on this one.
CalebHansberry wrote:
That would be WONDERFUL! I love robotfindskitten! I wish you well.
thanks! I'm working on getting things to display..This might be quite alot longer than it needs to be, but it's something I feel I can actually get done
The_Coded wrote:
CalebHansberry wrote:
That would be WONDERFUL! I love robotfindskitten! I wish you well.
thanks! I'm working on getting things to display..This might be quite alot longer than it needs to be, but it's something I feel I can actually get done
Do you mean you need the sayings? I have those, if that's what you mean...
I have all the sayings...besides I'm making up a few new ones as I go along, no I meant I have 0 experience in Prizm C and very little in regular C xD...so It'll take some time
Ok I'm writing psuedo code for the game today, I figured I'll ask you all..do you want all the old phrases or some new ones added in? I've already got 3 referencing prizm, Kerm's book, and some 84+
, Figured I'd make it an open topic since the text is randomly brought up!

The_Coded wrote:
Ok I'm writing psuedo code for the game today, I figured I'll ask you all..do you want all the old phrases or some new ones added in? I've already got 3 referencing prizm, Kerm's book, and some 84+
, Figured I'd make it an open topic since the text is randomly brought up!

More the merrier, as long as it has at least the vast majority of the originals (that is, as long as it has "This toaster strudel is riddled with bullet holes!")

Ok Caleb I've been combining phrases and taking various phrase versions and amalgamated them, tell me what you think?
#define MESSAGES 162
static char* messages[] =
"\"I pity the fool who mistakes me for kitten!\", sez Mr. T.",
"That's just an old tin can.",
"It's an altar to the horse god.",
"A box of dancing mechanical pencils. They dance! They sing!",
"It's an old Duke Ellington record.",
"A box of fumigation pellets.",
"A digital clock. It's stuck at 2:17 PM.",
"That's just a charred human corpse.",
"I don't know what that is, but it's not kitten.",
"An empty shopping bag. Paper or plastic?",
"Could it be... a big ugly iPad?",
"A coat hanger hovers in thin air. Odd.",
"Not kitten, just a packet of Kool-Aid(tm).",
"A freshly-baked pumpkin pie.",
"A lone, forgotten comma, sits here, sobbing.",
"It's Ashbad from Cemetech!",
"It's Lucy Ricardo. \"Aaaah, Ricky!\", she says.",
"You stumble upon Bill Gates' stand-up act.",
"Just an autographed copy of the programming the TI-83 Plues/TI-84 Plus.",
"It's the Will Rogers Highway. Who was Will Rogers, anyway?",
"It's another robot, more advanced in design than you but strangely immobile.",
"Leonard Richardson is here, asking people to lick him.",
"It's a stupid mask, fashioned after a beagle.",
"Your State Farm Insurance(tm) representative!",
"It's the local draft board.",
"Seven 1/4\" screws and a piece of plastic.",
"An 80286 machine.",
"One of those stupid \"Homes of the Stars\" maps.",
"A signpost saying \"TO KITTEN\". It points in no particular direction.",
"A hammock stretched between a tree and a volleyball pole.",
"A Texas Instruments of Destruction calculator.",
"It's a dark, amphorous blob of matter.",
"Just a pincushion.",
"It's a mighty zombie talking about some love and prosperity.",
"\"Dear robot, you have been personally selected to recieve this Visa card...\"",
"It's just an object.",
"A mere collection of pixels.",
"A badly dented high-hat cymbal lies on its side here.",
"A marijuana brownie.",
"A plush Chewbacca.",
"Daily hunger conditioner from Australasia",
"Just some stuff.",
"Why are you touching this when you should be finding kitten?",
"A glorious fan of peacock feathers.",
"It's some compromising photos of a naked TI 84+.",
"A copy of the Weekly World News. Watch out for the chambered nautilus!",
"It's the proverbial wet blanket.",
"A \"Get Out of Jail Free\" card.",
"An incredibly expensive \"Mad About You\" collector plate.",
"Paul Moyer's necktie.",
"A haircut and a real job. Now you know where to get one!",
"An automated robot-hater. It frowns disapprovingly at you.",
"An automated robot-liker. It smiles at you.",
"It's a black hole. Don't fall in!",
"Just a big brick wall.",
"You found kitten! No, just kidding.",
"Heart of Darkness brand pistachio nuts.",
"A smoking branding iron shaped like a 24-pin connector.",
"It's a Java applet.",
"An abandoned used-car lot.",
"A Link for your dark deity Cemetech...www.cemetech.net",
"Double rainbow all the way.",
"A can of Spam Lite.",
"This is another fine mess you've gotten us into, Stanley.",
"It's scenery for \"Waiting for Godot\".",
"A grain elevator towers high above you.",
"A Mentos wrapper.",
"It's the constellation Pisces.",
"It's a fly on the wall. Hi, fly!",
"This kind of looks like kitten, but it's not.",
"It's PHP...Oh god please no!",
"A helicopter has crashed here.",
"Carlos Tarango stands here, doing his best impression of Pat Smear.",
"A patch of mushrooms grows here.",
"A patch of grape jelly grows here.",
"A spindle, and a grindle, and a bucka-wacka-woom!",
"A geyser sprays water high into the air.",
"A toenail? What good is a toenail?",
"You've found the fish! Not that it does you much good in this game.",
"A Buttertonsils bar.",
"One of the few remaining discoes.",
"Ah, the uniform of a Revolutionary-eta minuteman.",
"A punch bowl, filled with punch and lemon slices.",
"It's nothing but a G-thang, baby.",
"This was no boating accident!",
"Wait! This isn't the poker chip! You've been tricked! DAMN YOU, MENDEZ!",
"A livery stable! Get your livery!",
"It's a perpetual immobility machine.",
"\"On this spot in 1962, Henry Winkler was sick.\"",
"There's nothing here; it's just an optical illusion.",
"The World's Biggest Motzah Ball!",
"A tribe of cannibals lives here. They eat Malt-O-Meal for breakfast, you know.",
"This appears to be a large stack of trashy romance novels.",
"Look out! Exclamation points!",
"A herd of wild coffee mugs slumbers here.",
"It's a limbo bar! How low can you go?",
"It's the horizon. Now THAT'S weird.",
"A vase full of artificial flowers is stuck to the floor here.",
"A large snake bars your way.",
"A pair of saloon-style doors swing slowly back and forth here.",
"It's an ordinary bust of Beethoven... but why is it painted green?",
"It's TV's lovable wisecracking Crow! \"Bite me!\", he says.",
"Hey, look, it's war. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Say it again.",
"It's the amazing self-referential thing that's not kitten.",
"A flamboyant feather boa. Now you can dress up like Carol Channing!",
"\"Sure hope we get some rain soon,\" says Farmer Joe.",
"\"How in heck can I wash my neck if it ain't gonna rain no more?\" asks Farmer Al.",
"\"Topsoil's all gone, ma,\" weeps Lil' Greg.",
"This is a large brown bear. Oddly enough, it's currently peeing in the woods.",
"A team of arctic explorers is camped here.",
"This object here appears to be Louis Farrakhan's bow tie.",
"This is the world-famous Chain of Jockstraps.",
"A trash compactor, compacting away.",
"This toaster strudel is riddled with bullet holes!",
"It's a hologram of a crashed helicopter.",
"This is a television. On screen you see a robot strangely similar to yourself.",
"This balogna has a first name, it's R-A-N-C-I-D.",
"A salmon hatchery? Look again. It's merely a single salmon.",
"It's a rim shot. Ba-da-boom!",
"It's creepy and it's kooky, mysterious and spooky. It's also somewhat ooky.",
"This is an anagram.",
"This object is like an analogy.",
"It's a symbol. You see in it a model for all symbols everywhere.",
"The object pushes back at you.",
"A traffic signal. It appears to have been recently terrorized.",
"\"There is no kitten!\" cackles the old crone. You are shocked by her blasphemy.",
"This is a Lagrange point. Don't come too close now.",
"The dirty old tramp bemoans the loss of his harmonica.",
"Look, it's Fanny the Irishman!",
"What in blazes is this?",
"It's the instruction manual for a previous version of this game.",
"A brain cell. Oddly enough, it seems to be functioning.",
"Tea and/or crumpets.",
"This jukebox has nothing but Cliff Richards albums in it.",
"It's a Quaker Oatmeal tube, converted into a drum.",
"This is a remote control. Being a robot, you keep a wide berth.",
"It's a roll of industrial-strength copper wire.",
"Oh boy! Grub! Er, grubs.",
"A puddle of mud, where the mudskippers play.",
"Plenty of nothing.",
"Look at that, it's the Crudmobile.",
"Just Walter Mattheau and Jack Lemmon.",
"Two crepes, two crepes in a box.",
"An autographed copy of \"Primary Colors\", by Anonymous.",
"Another rabbit? That's three today!",
"It's a segmentation fault. Core dumped, by the way.",
"A historical marker showing the actual location of /dev/null.",
"Thar's Mobius Dick, the convoluted whale. Arrr!",
"It's Digital's Cat prototype! Hide your VT180s before they're eaten...",
"A box of unformatted RX50 diskettes. Useless.",
"A group of Cemetech engineers begging for a native port of 1-2-3.",
"8 256kbit memory chips. Who needs parity anyway...",
"A stray 256kbit chip hoping to bring you parity.",
"A Compose Character key. Let's accent some vowels!",
"An angry letter to Borland: \"Why interrupt 0x18! Why!!!\"",
"SCRAM! The slowest game ever!",
"Code Blue emulating WordPerfect 5.",
"Kerm complaining about his book again.",
"An overlay for an LK201 keyboard.",
"The missing 25th row from the Prizm's screen."
Is this even remotely correct? I'm trying to get the C file finished in a shorter amount of time that 3 months and I think I'm close, but I'm not sure.
sorry for double post but I felt it was really important
#include "phrases.h"
#define VERSION "V0.5a.Prizm"
#define EMPTY -1
#define ROBOT 0
#define KITTEN 1
/*#define NUM_BOGUS 10 */
/* Prizm Key controls */
#define FUNCTION 0x100 /* pertinent bit in 16-bit key return */
#define UP (FUNCTION + 0x27)
#define LEFT (FUNCTION + 0x2D)
#define DOWN (FUNCTION + 0x29)
#define RGHT (FUNCTION + 0x2B)
#define EXIT (FUNCTION + 0x0F)
/* Prizm Screen for play */
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 216
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 384
#define PLAY_HEIGHT 300
#define MESSAGE_ROW 3
void finale();
void instructions();
void process_input(int input);
void shutdown();
struct object
sorry for double post but I felt it was really important
Lol @ these phrases:
An amphorous is a large two-handled storage jar. And did Cemetech filter out a "naughty" word in Mobius D**k?
Edit: How about these "naughty" names, Cemetech? Andy D**k, D**k Cheney, D**k Van Dyke...
"It's a dark, amphorous blob of matter.",
"Thar's Mobius a, the convoluted whale. Arrr!",
An amphorous is a large two-handled storage jar. And did Cemetech filter out a "naughty" word in Mobius D**k?
Edit: How about these "naughty" names, Cemetech? Andy D**k, D**k Cheney, D**k Van Dyke...
Just a note on the phrases: your preprocessor definition for the number of phrases works, but is prone to error, because it's easy to update the phrases array and forget to update the number of them.
This will let the compiler worry about it:
This will let the compiler worry about it:
#define MESSAGES (sizeof(messages) / sizeof(*messages))
#include "phrases.h"
#define VERSION "V0.5a.Prizm"
#define MESSAGES (sizeof(messages) / sizeof(*messages))
#define EMPTY -1
#define ROBOT 0
#define KITTEN 1
/*#define NUM_BOGUS 10 */
/* Prizm Key controls */
#define FUNCTION 0x100 /* pertinent bit in 16-bit key return */
#define UP (FUNCTION + 0x27)
#define LEFT (FUNCTION + 0x2D)
#define DOWN (FUNCTION + 0x29)
#define RGHT (FUNCTION + 0x2B)
#define EXIT (FUNCTION + 0x0F)
/* Prizm Screen for play */
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 216
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 384
#define PLAY_HEIGHT 300
#define MESSAGE_ROW 3
void finale();
void instructions();
void process_input(int input);
void shutdown();
struct object
int x;
int y;
char character;
struct object robot;
struct object kitten;
struct object empty;
struct object bogus[MESSAGES];
int bogus_messages[MESSAGES];
int used_messages[MESSAGES];
So it's coming along correctly I am assuming?
I'll keep posting these as I get more and more done, just let me know if anything seems off
I'm resuming coding this over my Christmas break! as that fighting game still won't work no matter what, and I feel C is more important anyways
I'm resuming coding this over my Christmas break! as that fighting game still won't work no matter what, and I feel C is more important anyways
I think you should add the phrase, "A shameless plug for DCS7: dcs.cemetech.net".
[EDIT] And the phrase, "A plastic thingy from a milk jug."

[EDIT] And the phrase, "A plastic thingy from a milk jug."
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