I've now just started serious bug testing and doing general game testing so that I can balance the game.
I'm happy to report that 99.9% of "required" coding is complete. That is to say, if bug testing & balancing were complete, the game would be ready for release.
However, there is still one more optional extra that I have in mind that I'll experiment with as well.
I've finally been spending some time playing on my actual TI-83 & TI-84+ calculators as opposed to WabbitEmu, and I'm really happy with how it looks, particulary on the TI-84+ LCD.
The last few days have been spent on a few asthetics, such as: level exploding animation when the self destruct timer expires; some nice little fade in & fade out transitions; as suggested by Merth I've included the descending deck lift animation between levels; plus a few other very minor things.
I could post a couple of screenshots, although the fade in / fade out contrast effects don't quite work exactly right on WabbitEmu as they do on calc - they're close, but it's much more seamless on an actual calc screen