Play a better game: preferably one that doesn't suck.
allynfolksjr wrote:
Play a better game: preferably one that doesn't suck.
I am too lazy to actually make my own post so instead I quote people and then don't say anything new
allynfolksjr wrote:
Play a better game: preferably one that doesn't suck.
That is great advice, but I would say no one would listen to that.
Of course, I can't be one to talk as I played minecraft until mojang screwed it all up and made it into a crappy half-RPG
- Jinnai
- Super-Expert (Posts: 813)
- 21 Dec 2011 12:34:57 am
- Last edited by Jinnai on 21 Dec 2011 12:44:04 am; edited 1 time in total
Got it downloaded. Now I will see if I can install my mods. At least it looks cool!
Are you saying that you don't like Minecraft?!?
allynfolksjr and Dshiznit wrote:
Play a better game: preferably one that doesn't suck.
Are you saying that you don't like Minecraft?!?
<sarcasm>And why, pray tell, do you all not like it? I mean besides a blind commitment to FreeBuild, which I was unable to download because it was TOO HUGE. And any jealousy for Notch's popularity as opposed to your's - not talking about either of those. My only problem with it was that it was too addictive.
Oh well, guess that's what I get for placing my post in "Building with Blocks"...</sarcasm>
Oh well, guess that's what I get for placing my post in "Building with Blocks"...</sarcasm>
In all fairness, most of the Minecraft topics are here as well. Except for "Minecraft Anyone" and the screenshots thread. I find this category fitting for Minecraft.
To clarify, my problem isn't with the game itself, it is a fun and inventive little indie game. My issue is with it's popularity; how people spam it freaking everywhere. I feel people grossly overrate this game, to the point where these guys have made millions merchandising stupid not-memes and throwing their own conventions that millions flock to. No one game should be this popular. Even WoW isn't in your face like this.
DShiznit wrote:
To clarify, my problem isn't with the game itself, it is a fun and inventive little indie game. My issue is with it's popularity; how people spam it freaking everywhere. I feel people grossly overrate this game, to the point where these guys have made millions merchandising stupid not-memes and throwing their own conventions that millions flock to. No one game should be this popular. Even WoW isn't in your face like this.
I'm too lazy to make my own post so instead I quote other people and then don't say anything new
Me, personally, I don't play either anymore. I used to play minecraft and would totally be on your side or at least not against it, Caleb. But then 1.8 came out.... it has been downhill from there. See, when notch took a perfectly nice and shiny sandbox, and turns it into some weird mutated RPG, that is when minecraft starts to suck
that is the way I feel about it, at any rate
that is the way I feel about it, at any rate
Well, if there is something I don't like about Minecraft, it is the RPG factor. Fighting morbid thingies and playing wizard. Still, I have a grudge against Freebuild because it was too hard to download.
I wonder if anyone knows how to use a Minecraft map?
I wonder if anyone knows how to use a Minecraft map?
re: Installing mods
EDIT: I'm not irritated at anyone's lack of knowledge; I'm irritated that the existence of ModLoaders and jar-utilities makes a simple task so complicated for people (I hear ya, man).
...oy!... All you ever need to do is put the additional jar files in the correct place, and any additional class files in the right place (and sometimes they replace other files) ... it's just downloading the files which constitute the mod and putting them where they go (which should be in the readme/instructions for the mod anyway). Never delete the META-INF, as that tells Java which class to run (unless your mod has a DIFFERENT META-INF to use).
Placing the files is easy, because a jar file (e.g. "minecraft.jar") is JUST a zip file. Just change the extention from ".jar" to ".zip" and then go in there yourself (and if your computer does not show the file extensions, then your computer is on it's factory-default LAME setting; go into folder options and disable the "hide extensions" option, and never worry about that again).
Java gives you all these tools for packing things into a jar or creating an executable jar, but it's just complicating a simple task!! Just throw your files into a zip-file along with a META-INF folder (containing a "MANIFEST.MF" file which contains a bit of text saying where the main class is), and then change it to a jar file. BAM. ... So what's the deal with all these "mod loaders"? Oy, it's just more junk!!
...But on a side note, 7-zip is THE software to have for any kind of archive/compressed files, and it does just make it a lot easier (because you can open the jar directly without changing it to a zip), and because it works for basically any other kind of archive files you're likely to ever come across.
re: "Minecraft sucks"
Ok, look: if you don't like a topic, then why do you feel the need to go into a thread for something you don't care for just to denounce it? ... And as for the popularity, that speaks for itself. You might as well just call the general public morons if too many people enjoy something that you do not. "Sucks" or "Good" is subjective, and if a lot of people like it, then a lot of people like it ... Though I DO agree that it was a perfect sandbox game before he had to add the RPG-ish stuff; though I am not repulsed by it (does it really get THAT much in the way? Nobody is making you have to use enchantments or fulfill achievements etc.)
I'm not here to argue, I said what I wanted to; so can we leave it there? (Point & Counter-Point; we need not repeat anything already said). ... Thanks
EDIT: I'm not irritated at anyone's lack of knowledge; I'm irritated that the existence of ModLoaders and jar-utilities makes a simple task so complicated for people (I hear ya, man).
...oy!... All you ever need to do is put the additional jar files in the correct place, and any additional class files in the right place (and sometimes they replace other files) ... it's just downloading the files which constitute the mod and putting them where they go (which should be in the readme/instructions for the mod anyway). Never delete the META-INF, as that tells Java which class to run (unless your mod has a DIFFERENT META-INF to use).
Placing the files is easy, because a jar file (e.g. "minecraft.jar") is JUST a zip file. Just change the extention from ".jar" to ".zip" and then go in there yourself (and if your computer does not show the file extensions, then your computer is on it's factory-default LAME setting; go into folder options and disable the "hide extensions" option, and never worry about that again).
Java gives you all these tools for packing things into a jar or creating an executable jar, but it's just complicating a simple task!! Just throw your files into a zip-file along with a META-INF folder (containing a "MANIFEST.MF" file which contains a bit of text saying where the main class is), and then change it to a jar file. BAM. ... So what's the deal with all these "mod loaders"? Oy, it's just more junk!!
...But on a side note, 7-zip is THE software to have for any kind of archive/compressed files, and it does just make it a lot easier (because you can open the jar directly without changing it to a zip), and because it works for basically any other kind of archive files you're likely to ever come across.
re: "Minecraft sucks"
Ok, look: if you don't like a topic, then why do you feel the need to go into a thread for something you don't care for just to denounce it? ... And as for the popularity, that speaks for itself. You might as well just call the general public morons if too many people enjoy something that you do not. "Sucks" or "Good" is subjective, and if a lot of people like it, then a lot of people like it ... Though I DO agree that it was a perfect sandbox game before he had to add the RPG-ish stuff; though I am not repulsed by it (does it really get THAT much in the way? Nobody is making you have to use enchantments or fulfill achievements etc.)
I'm not here to argue, I said what I wanted to; so can we leave it there? (Point & Counter-Point; we need not repeat anything already said). ... Thanks
Ok, look: if you don't like a topic, then why do you feel the need to go into a thread for something you don't care for just to denounce it? ... And as for the popularity, that speaks for itself. You might as well just call the general public morons if too many people enjoy something that you do not. "Sucks" or "Good" is subjective, and if a lot of people like it, then a lot of people like it ... Though I DO agree that it was a perfect sandbox game before he had to add the RPG-ish stuff; though I am not repulsed by it (does it really get THAT much in the way? Nobody is making you have to use enchantments or fulfill achievements etc.)
Indicating that you should be taking player, nikky or dshiz seriously on this sort of topic
CalebHansberry wrote:
I have a grudge against Freebuild because it was too hard to download.
The Freebuild you downloaded, or tried to download, is very pre-alpha and on the face of it, basically the same as TOB. Having a grudge against a pre-alpha of Freebuild is like having a grudge against Minecraft Classic or Infiniminer.
Back when I downloaded Freebuild, it was a tedious process. I couldn't download a package that then installed the software, I had to download the whole thing from Github. After downloading I had to find the executable amid the directories and files.
Despite the instructions, it wasn't the easiest download I've ever done. Minecraft was simple. Download this one file, then launch it. Sign and and you're good to go. And if memory serves, it's been like that since infiniminer. Of course, Freebuild will likely be packaged nice and neat for each OS once it's released or enters a build-quality beta.
Freebuild is either available as it is by choice: those interested enough will download it through all the steps, full knowing it's not a complete game in any sense. If it was easily accessible we'd likely be seeing far more bug threads and "I hate this 'Game'" posts.
I downloaded Freebuild about 3, 4 years ago. And haven't done so since then. So if the download process changed (or I got it wrong) in any way, please correct me
Despite the instructions, it wasn't the easiest download I've ever done. Minecraft was simple. Download this one file, then launch it. Sign and and you're good to go. And if memory serves, it's been like that since infiniminer. Of course, Freebuild will likely be packaged nice and neat for each OS once it's released or enters a build-quality beta.
Freebuild is either available as it is by choice: those interested enough will download it through all the steps, full knowing it's not a complete game in any sense. If it was easily accessible we'd likely be seeing far more bug threads and "I hate this 'Game'" posts.
I downloaded Freebuild about 3, 4 years ago. And haven't done so since then. So if the download process changed (or I got it wrong) in any way, please correct me
comicIDIOT wrote:
Back when I downloaded Freebuild, it was a tedious process. I couldn't download a package that then installed the software, I had to download the whole thing from Github. After downloading I had to find the executable amid the directories and files.
Well to be fair, only developers were really meant to download the TGEA Freebuild. Plus, Elfprince and that don't have control over the SVN or something anymore. TGEA Freebuild was really just a tech demo showing off what had been done so far.
comicIDIOT wrote:
Despite the instructions, it wasn't the easiest download I've ever done. Minecraft was simple. Download this one file, then launch it. Sign and and you're good to go. And if memory serves, it's been like that since infiniminer. Of course, Freebuild will likely be packaged nice and neat for each OS once it's released or enters a build-quality beta.
Infinimer and Minecraft are 2 different games made by 2 different people/companies. Freebuild will be easy to download, when it advances from being at the bottom of a calculator forum and a proper download of the new versions is made when ready.
comicIDIOT wrote:
I downloaded Freebuild about 3, 4 years ago. And haven't done so since then. So if the download process changed (or I got it wrong) in any way, please correct me
Nope, it's just as tedious now, through SVN.
Back when I downloaded Freebuild, it was a tedious process. I couldn't download a package that then installed the software, I had to download the whole thing from Github. After downloading I had to find the executable amid the directories and files.
Well yeah, it's alpha software, Minecraft is a completed game. Almost every piece of open-source software goes through a similar process, and once it reaches a releasable state, a build gets packaged in an archive and released, just like Minecraft. It's not fair to compare a piece of software under active development with a numbered release of a more mature piece of software. Register to Join the Conversation
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