I'm getting to your last two bugs right now, Tanner.
_player1537 wrote:
Mobile Safari in Developer mode shows errors on every page of C6M. For instance, on this page, I see 11 errors... Err... 167+. Can you fix the reference to function() storeCaret? But it still messes up elsewhere. Anything I can do?
Are you still getting errors? I don't see any on my iOS Device under Developer Safari.
_player1537 wrote:
Could C6M have access to the cemetech.net/about page? (ie, can you skin that page)
I remember why I didn't skin that. It's all hard-coded. I'll see what I can do to make it into a C6M Template.
If you could make it a template across the board, that would be nifty.

I'd be happy to do it myself; I just need to decide where I want to stuff the page contents, whether it should be in the database somewhere or within about/index.php/
I am still getting those errors. They show up less frequently if you aren't logged in, but when you are, it has unmatched tags. Just jumping to random topics while not logged in, the Computer Engineering Questions topic has two errors.
I actually didn't log in, I just browsed as a guest; I'll log in and browse around.
KermMartian wrote:
If you could make it a template across the board, that would be nifty.

I'd be happy to do it myself; I just need to decide where I want to stuff the page contents, whether it should be in the database somewhere or within about/index.php/
I think it should be in the language PHP file. So you can just {L_ABOUT_CEMETECH}, {L_ABOUT_KERM}, {L_ABOUT_MERTH}, etc.
And, it would make the templating easy. I'd create the variables to the images as well.
allynfolksjr wrote:
Option to switch to full screen.
I'm on a Motorola Xoom, and don't want this small layout, even though it scales, it still isn't full-featured.
I see that I can change the theme in profile, but it claims I need to enter in my email address as my user name. It'd be a lot easier to just have a "full site" link on the bottom of the page.
If you change the theme in your profile, it's still going to force you into the mobile version on your phone based on user-agent detection, as comic said in his post a few pages back. I'll need to think on this one.
Private Messages look like this:
I am unable to replicate that bug. Is your iPhone an iPhone 4 or an earlier model? My first hypothesis is that the non-retina displays may be getting that. I'll check on my first gen iPod Touch, though.
Update: Yup. That does seem to be the problem. I have no idea why; landscape orientation works fine. I'll look for solutions.
I added a border-radius property to the posts. More of a development post but it's here in requests - rather than the appropriate topic - for easier feedback.
Myself, I'm iffy about it but I grew apart from all these sharp corners in C6M while C6 had some curves to it. I know, I know. I planned on using as few advanced CSS properties as possible but I've never encountered an incompatible CSS error, the property is just ignored in my experience.
Currently, the radius is set to 10. What do you guys think?
I don't really like it, per se, but I also don't dislike it. I'm glad that it doesn't load extra images, because my Internet connection likes to die on me slash run really slowly. Also, I had to uncache the pages, because, for some reason, it wasn't using the rounded corners on this page the first time. I had to go to a page I haven't been to on this computer before (The Evil Trifecta

) to get the corners.
I like the rounded corners, but it feels like it doesn't fit in with the rest of the page. I think that if the posts are going to have rounded corners, then the other stuff on the page should have rounded corners as well.
I didn't notice them until I read your post, but now that I see them I don't like them. Especially since there's a couple pixels of grey between the edges and the rest of the border.
Is there anything that could be done to make them more likable? What do you mean by gray? Is is a colourless gray or the drab tan-gray of Cemetech?
souvik1997 wrote:
I like the rounded corners, but it feels like it doesn't fit in with the rest of the page. I think that if the posts are going to have rounded corners, then the other stuff on the page should have rounded corners as well.
What other things should have rounder corners? I took the idea from C6 itself. The header is round, as is the sidebar but everything else is square. I just feel if I add too many rounded corners to the design, it'd be distracting.
One other thing that would make should have rounded corners, if you are going with the rounded corners design, would be the box that comes up when you click New Post.
Oh, I like that idea. I'll wait until I get Merth's input before I continue, though.
Also, figured out your PM bug. It was so simple and odd that I didn't think of it for a while.
Could there be a way to identify stickied topics? For instance, put a * in front of the topic if it is stickied. Also, can mods and higher have more detail in the posting page? That way I could sticky a topic from C6M.
That reminds me, I need to add bold for unread topics. I think an astriek is to cryptic, maybe an "A:" for Announcement and "S:" for Sticky.
As for more post details, that shouldn't be too hard to do. I'll look into it.
I still want to be able to get to the normal site on my phone.
On the Private Messages page, everything at the bottom is underlined.
Oh phoops.
I'll Investigate when I get home.
+4 Hours UPDATE: My investigation will be delayed as I remember my FTP Password. :/
+30 Minutes: Fix'd. It wasn't a pretty fix as I wasn't sure why it was going that and I just wanted it to be fix'd. So, look for repercussions in the color of links.
One day I'll find the time and restyle C6M to have better CSS.
Sometimes, the Go To New Posts link is red.