I personally think bigotry/gay hating is wrong, and on the subject of gay marriage, I think it was a good move by New York.
By the way this excludes church marriage, right? From what I remember, the bill was about civil marriage.
chronomex wrote:
merthsoft wrote:
That I completely agree with. As long as there's no legal definition of marriage at all. If there's a legal definition of marriage that says "a man and a woman" and then two men need to instead get a "fiscal civil union contract", then I'm not ok with that.
I hope you're okay with three dudes entering a union contract, or six guys and nine women.
merthsoft wrote:
Why not?
QFT @ Merth.
If me and and my best friends from high school want to get an apartment and have a legally binding contract on the way in which we will pool our resources (and have it recognized by the IRS), I don't see the problem.
calcman wrote:
I for one, am against legalizing gay marriage. One: it isn't right, Two: I think it is gross, Three: What if some gay man hypnotizes you and marries you?
I feel like I am getting Poe's Law'd here. Please be a little more articulate so I can understand what is going on in your head right now.
Well, when you marry him, will you "kiss the bride"?
Leviticus 18:22
Romans 1:26-27
First Corinthians 6:9
All in the Bible.
calcman wrote:
Well, when you marry him, will you "kiss the bride"?
Just... stop.
That's my problem with a large part of the "morals" group, they think that their own beliefs need to be pushed onto EVERYONE.
I don't like tomatoes, NO MORE TOMATOES, EVER, OR YOU GO TO HELL.
Yes. I don't see why it has to be any different from the way marriage is set up now. I believe it should be no different to see two guys going to get married as a man and a women getting married. You also managed to try and sum up our posts in 11 words, could you explain your point of view more?
See, the issue with this is that a rational argument against this sort of thing is nigh impossible, due to the fact that the only support is religion. That's shaky as is.
In any case, I support this move.
Leviticus 18:22
Romans 1:26-27
First Corinthians 6:9
All in the Bible.
calcman wrote:
Leviticus 18:22
Romans 1:26-27
First Corinthians 6:9
All in the Bible.
I realize that you think this is an awesome rebuttal, but to most rational people, you look like a zealot who's preaching something he doesn't understand at all.
calcman wrote:
Well, when you marry him, will you "kiss the bride"?
Leviticus 18:22
Romans 1:26-27
First Corinthians 6:9
All in the Bible.
Don't forget Leviticus 15:19-24.
Calcman, sadly, there are few parts of the bible that deal with homosexuality. The few parts that do are in the old testament. The new testament/Jesus was supposed to bring about changes to the laws and how they were to be interpreted. Not once did he say anything about homosexuality, and I can assure you it was there during his time.
What was it he told a prostitute? Don't judge lest ye be judged? Something like that.
Don't bring up religion as to why it shouldn't happen.
calcman wrote:
Leviticus 18:22
Romans 1:26-27
First Corinthians 6:9
All in the Bible.
I too am a Christian, and regardless of our interpretation of scripture (I come from a tradition that is heavy on the John 8:7), we live in a country where the beliefs of a single group are not to be enforced on the entire population.
If you can't restrain yourself from turning this thread into a circus it will be locked or deleted.
Faith is not understanding but belief.
This is now turning into a religious vs everything battle, topic locked.
calcman wrote:
Faith is not understanding but belief.
Head back this way: http://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=143452#143452
Faith is not belief alone.
I am quite happy that we passed this law, it is another step in the right direction for freedom, in my opinion. I hope other states will follow suit though, although I cannot see that happening some places.... :/
calcman wrote:
I for one, am against legalizing gay marriage. One: it isn't right, Two: I think it is gross, Three: What if some gay man hypnotizes you and marries you?
1) On what basis? You can't just claim it isn't right without logical backing. Why is it any less right than marriage with a woman? Because a bunch of dudes didn't like the idea 3,000 years ago? Wasn't that around the same time that the Greeks were engaging in non-taboo'd homosexuality, and don't we have great respect for classical culture?
2) That's fine, then you don't have to get married to a man. I find surgery gross; doesn't mean I think it should get outlawed.
3) *me looks around for cameras* Am I on Candid Camera here or something?
I support this topic lock. Sorry that I had to get my .02USD in.