ROFL you are way over thinking it Qazz

just set the intent to have a lucid dream and go to sleep. It may not bring them on often or in HORDES but it brings them on easily enough xD unless your going for all or nothing in which proceed to spaz and fret its fun to watch

and you have to train your mind to realize it is dreaming. All I can do is share the tools ^_^
@Travis Have you tried the nose pinch thing before? It works really well is fast and has a hilarious feeling to go along with it xD ! granted by flying I am sure the clarity of the dream jumps immensely from the action, which has its own benefits in its own right
This is freakin cool! I've never really heard about this lucid dreaming concept (I didn't even know what lucid meant, thought it had to do with "lewd" or something). I'm going to start keeping a dream journal so I can try this.
geekboy1011 wrote:
@Travis Have you tried the nose pinch thing before? It works really well is fast and has a hilarious feeling to go along with it xD !
Searching through previous dreams, I did try it once, and it seems that I was still kind of able to breathe through it a little bit, though I wrote that I couldn't easily remember for certain. That was apparently the only time I tried it, though.
granted by flying I am sure the clarity of the dream jumps immensely from the action, which has its own benefits in its own right

Perhaps. Normally clarity is pretty good already in my lucid dreams, though, so it's hard to tell if there's a difference.
Compynerd255 wrote:
This is freakin cool! I've never really heard about this lucid dreaming concept (I didn't even know what lucid meant, thought it had to do with "lewd" or something). I'm going to start keeping a dream journal so I can try this.
Haha, I'm glad that we were able to teach you some new vocabulary!
What are your experiences with Lucid Dreaming, if any?
geekboy1011 wrote:
ROFL you are way over thinking it Qazz

just set the intent to have a lucid dream and go to sleep. It may not bring them on often or in HORDES but it brings them on easily enough xD unless your going for all or nothing in which proceed to spaz and fret its fun to watch

and you have to train your mind to realize it is dreaming. All I can do is share the tools ^_^
@Travis Have you tried the nose pinch thing before? It works really well is fast and has a hilarious feeling to go along with it xD ! granted by flying I am sure the clarity of the dream jumps immensely from the action, which has its own benefits in its own right

bah. No luck so far yet, I will do so, this I swear!
KermMartian wrote:
What are your experiences with Lucid Dreaming, if any?
I haven't really had any lucid dreams. The only one I've had that I could say was lucid to any degree was a dream I had taking a nap on a campout several years ago. I dreamed that I was in The Magic School Bus, and Ms. Frizzle was taking us on an end of the year field trip to discover the secret of her magic. The dream progressed rather strangley, with the bus turning into this monorail thing over a colorful town, then us going into suspended hallways that led to different rooms, then us going into a field where it was raining hard.
We eventually came to a tall hill, and Ms. Frizzle started digging into the hillside with her bare hands. When she dug far enough, she eventually opened up a sunny land with all of these red rocks. As she crawled into the hole, she said, "Say goodbye to this modern world, and enter a world of history." I noticed that she had left something outside, so I said that she dropped something, and she claimed she didn't.
And then Dad woke me up.
Since then, I don't really remember any of the dreams that I've had, only little flashes. If I go for a week or two with nothing to write in a dream journal, I'm going to try the wake-induced method.
What are your experiences with Lucid Dreaming, if any?
hmm, I recall one more actually, I was being chased by a monster-mutant, then I knew I was dreaming, thenmonsters go bye-bye
also, I recall plenty of times where I realized I was dreaming, shook my head, and them woke up (but this was back when I was 7 or so, when I had a lot of nightmares x.x)
If I go for a week or two with nothing to write in a dream journal, I'm going to try the wake-induced method.
Bad Plan I will say that now. Wake induced lucid dreaming is alluring and all but its physically and mentally tasking and just plain overly glorified. It is also poorly explained on how to do.
I would try keeping at the Dream Journal for a month at least before just jumping to wanting Lucid Dreams, as until your Dream Recall is up there is no way to even know if you were lucid!!!
I very often remember my dreams at least for a while after awakening; does that mean they were lucid dreams? I'm getting quite confused about this. I thought it was normal to remember at least a dream every week or few weeks for a while, if not more frequently, and based on this topic I'm beginning to think that that's not the case.
No that does not mean they are Lucid dreams. Alot of people, my self included, do not have great dream recall. Meaning 9 out of 10 dreams we have we forget or just have no recollection of. This being said I also know people who remember every dream they have and do nothing to try to remember them.
The point of increasing ones dream recall is that, if you can not remember the dreams from the night, then were you lucid?
Its kinda like the phrase "If I didn't see it it did not happen"
We know thats not true but it follows Lucid Dreams well with that we do not know if we had one of not because we just can't remember it.
Ahhh, that makes sense. So if you have good dream recall, it means that Lucid Dreaming might come easier to you (or might not), but that doesn't in and of itself indicate the subject is lucidly dreaming.
Correct Except it normally helps you realize that your dreaming more as you remember and learn to "feel" what a dream is like easier. Compared to just looking for things that are out of place you will eventually just *know* the whole thing is out of place and realize your dreaming.
Thanks for the tips. I actually had something to write in the dream journal this morning - in fact, two things: a dream of someone singing something random, and a scene where I was apparently doing a Find Replace on a crock pot (no idea). However, these particular dreams were ones where I was semi-awake, where I had woke up too early, then went back to sleep for another hour.
@Compy awesome
[quote author="Compynerd"] scene where I was apparently doing a Find Replace on a crock pot (no idea) [/quote]
I lol'd
Also the equivalent of what that is is a wake back to bed after your dream recall is well thats probably the most efficient way to lucid dream ^_^. I can explain it better if you like.
Yeah, I've heard you enter a form of REM as soon as you go to sleep, which explains why I can remember dreams best when I take a nap as opposed to going to sleep.
Its not a form of rem its actually nRem. (aka non-Rem

This picture shows it quite nicely. When you wake up after sleeping for a while then going back to sleep or take a nap your skipping the other sleep phases and going right into rem sleep. Which is why dreams are much more vivid less space in between them ^_^
This whole lucid dreaming thing gave me a cool idea for a video game: When people lucid dream, they transport to a paralell universe where they can move around and modify the environment, and the environment stays the same when you leave it for the next time you go there. In the game, sleeping is like entering a dungeon, and your abilites in your dream depend on what you do and what you learn while you're awake.
I don't know if I explained that well enough, but oh well...
Omg that sounds like a great game idea....except for a few technicalities which adhere to real life and not video game reality.
The technicalities boil down to:
You can learn things in dreams having never done them in real life and be efficient and skilled at them in real life. As in say you can not type in waking life but you practice at it in a dream and get good at it. Well your typing skills in real life will have improved as well
This is cause a quirk(is it really?) in Rem sleep is that it locks your muscles up but your brain/nervous system still sends all the stimulation to the muscles know as sleep paralysis . You move your arm in the dream your waking life muscles get that action they just cant act it out.
With this in mind you can work on skills that require practice in your dreams and actually learn how to do them with out ever actually touching them ^_^
Just another fact that actually shows another amazing use for lucid dreaming!!
I love that game concept though I wonder how it would play out as an RPG.
geekboy1011 wrote:
This is cause a quirk(is it really?) in Rem sleep is that it locks your muscles up but your brain/nervous system still sends all the stimulation to the muscles. You move your arm in the dream your waking life muscles get that action they just cant act it out.
It's called sleep paralysis, IIRC. The article, sadly, doesn't mention the mechanism, though.
Oops I thought I missing something in that sentence xD
What is this mechanism you speak of though?