ok well to get started
@ 3 basically after your day is over how much do you remember and how clear is it. The better this is the less work you have

as it will be easier to get some habits started (IMO)
And basically the first thing you should do is start focusing on remembering your dreams more as well its very possible to be lucid in a dream and forget it because you can't remember your dreams well T.T
There is really only one fool proof way to do so, And that is to keep a Dream Journal. What this is in the morning night when ever you remember a fragment of a dream you write it down and keep doing so. This does a couple things it teaches you your dream trends and it also tells your brain hey these are important memories I should hold on to them.
This is kinda like a diary of sorts it can be kept in any thing from a note book to notepad.exe on a windows machine (nano any one?) and it should be kept with the intent of learning and growing over time
The dream Journal is probably the most important thing. EVERY ONE I know who keeps a decent dream journal (and is not a natural lucid dreamer) has much much better success while keeping one my self included. And it has many other uses which will get touched on later I'm sure.
On actually writing the dreams down you don't have to write them all out. If you have OCD like that please do so it's is not frowned upon, but I'm guessing your like me who has school and waking life to deal with as well. so its much more common to write down a few details and come back to it later. As these details will spark the memory back into existence for you to wright down properly later or remember them later or both up to you ^_^
The other thing is to start taking a inquisitive out look on just about every thing. It doesn't have to be full blown but when you change scenery see something new see something surrealistic or just plain awesome ask your self "Where am I? What am I doing?" Ect these should always be accompanied by what we call a Reality Check
Reality Checks are what they imply ways to check your reality
here are a few
Pinch your nose try to breath threw it:
If you can I would start thinking twice about what you want to be doing now as your not in waking life xD <-- thats my favorite and the most accurate one by large
Try to your hand threw an object with your intent:
Basically hold your hand up to a wall and try to "push" it threw it while focusing on your hand going threw the wall <-- this one takes practice but i here its a lot of fun when you get it working
If you believe you will fall down slowly and like float down when you do in a dream you should <-- this ones highly subjective imo but it does work
Read something:
For alot of people digital watched and books and signs have a tendency to act like we all have dyslexically in dreams so looking at a watch or a sign and having it be all garbled is a way to see where you are <-- this one is also subjective because for me this doesn't occur because I no longer want it to books and other material in dreams can hold secrets and memory that can be accessed this way
In all honesty though you can do any thing you want as long as it proves your awake or sleeping by breaking physics. General rules of thumb though is do more than one in case you some how messed the other ones up. ^_^