Another reminder.
And Elfprince, you should already finish the LDraw rendering, I could make you guys build saves if you want.
Yes, please, tell us the latest progress.
I've been wondering this as well; I'm anxious for bullet physics to be in place so that I can investigate train-type things.
Where did Elf go, anyway? I noticed he hasn't been around a lot, lately. Maybe he got even busier than before with school?
DJ Omnimaga wrote:
Where did Elf go, anyway? I noticed he hasn't been around a lot, lately. Maybe he got even busier than before with school?
I've poked him quite a few times, but he's been very vague about what's going on, exactly.
Totally should have weekly updates.
Jimmg wrote:
Totally should have weekly updates.
That would be great.
Lucas W wrote:
Jimmg wrote:
Totally should have weekly updates.
That would be great. I third that idea. The fact that the folder I synchronized with the repository two months ago or more is still up-to-date is not a good sign.
Would it help if I used the current build of the engine for a simple project I was planning, so y'all can see just how far we've come since the blockland beta?
DShiznit wrote:
Would it help if I used the current build of the engine for a simple project I was planning, so y'all can see just how far we've come since the blockland beta?
I think it would be quite cool whether it helps or not; you should go for itl.
Sorry about the lack of development, guys. I have been submitting small commits recently, but I can't do much until Elf finishes working on LDraw. We are both rather busy with school.
yeah, hurts when things like that hit up on people. I really want to see this get finished (especially since I need something to fill my now vacant wow time).

very good to see a change in attitude

now, why dont you try to look around cemetech, to see what else we offer? some stuff might interest you @spaceninja
hmm, what is this Cemetech you speak of?
Really now, telling an admin to look at a site, that is one of the funnier things I have seen in a bit.
rivereye wrote:
hmm, what is this Cemetech you speak of?
Really now, telling an admin to look at a site, that is one of the funnier things I have seen in a bit.
Why is almost everything on BountySource assigned to Elfprince?
rivereye wrote:
hmm, what is this Cemetech you speak of?
Really now, telling an admin to look at a site, that is one of the funnier things I have seen in a bit.
LAWLS! I meant to direct my other post to spaceninja
Lucas W wrote:
Why is almost everything on BountySource assigned to Elfprince?
Probably because he has more intimate knowledge of the core engine than Cyberprime, afaik?
@Qazz: I know.
We should get him into calculator programming.
yeah, I hope he will stick around
he has really improved from going "DURR, I WANT FB NOW! I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE, JUST MAKE IT!"
of course, I am exaggerating a bit, but at least he improved
qazz42 wrote:
yeah, I hope he will stick around
he has really improved from going "DURR, I WANT FB NOW! I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE, JUST MAKE IT!"
of course, I am exaggerating a bit, but at least he improved
No, you make a good point, just as you have improved from demanding things in extremely poor spelling and grammar to being more well-mannered and using more or less correct spelling and punctuation.