This is the Only Level CE
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  2. TI-84 Plus CE Programs
  3. TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Programs
  4. TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Games


The elephant forgot the rest of the levels, but luckily he still has one left!
Help him beat it in all his metagaming glory.
Use your keen knowledge of gaming and dexterity to manhandle your way through a variety of challenges.
Get your mind out of the box for once! Take it outside for a walk, or maybe grab a bite to eat with it.

Oh, and beat the level. There's only one.

From the world of Armor Games to the portability of your TI calculator!

UPDATE: Added messages upon unlocking Easter eggs, fixed assorted overflow bugs


Screenshot #6068

Archive Contents

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TITOLCE_Source/src/tilemapdata.c 2.8 KB
TITOLCE_Source/titol_icon.png 353 bytes
Download file
File Size
195.0 KB


7 years, 8 months ago


9.5/10 (12 votes)


I think I have the unoffical record for deaths, I am on 9500 and still going.... it is also fun to play :)
EDIT(it breaks at 9999 deaths, and the time stops at 99:59.99)

A nice, fun timekiller to play. Love the creativity with each stage, especially in ones like Center Keyboarder and Think Before Doing. Also, the holiday-themed elephant skins available during Halloween, Christmas, and New Year's Day are a neat touch.

This was an amazing game the best I've played in a while. I was very impressed with the twist on each level and out-of-the-box-thinking. I actually pulled it off my friends calc lol :) I'd recommend this to anyone :P

this game seems awesome but at the current time of download when I clicked enter to start my calculator made all the letters fade then after a minute the screen started flashing. had to reset the ram. seems like a cool game though.

This game offers a surprising amount of content (which sort of has to be expected condidering the large filesize). It's simplistic and easy to play, but the challenges are really interesting and surprisingly varied. The game runs well, saving works like a charm and that screen transition is a really nice touch. The only downsides are the somewhat imperfect physics and the not so impressive graphics.

This was a very fun game, but it had a bug that caused it to reset my ram, which is not fun.

This is a fun game that I could easily play over and over. It has great performance and many creative stages. The only con to this game is that I can't beat level 1. ;)


  1. This is the Only Level CE (published 7 years, 8 months ago; 2017-01-02 20:18 UTC)
