Calcuzap 1066 for TI-84 Plus CE (color)
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  2. TI-84 Plus CE Programs
  3. TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Programs
  4. TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Games


A high performance shoot-em-up game in color. This version features 47 levels plus the mystery level, 9 selectable speeds, 3 selectable difficulty levels, saving the game, 5 types of power-ups including double cannon and triple cannon, and a high score table. Now with a starfield background too!


Screenshot #5734 Screenshot #5735

Archive Contents

Name Size
build.bat 733 bytes
bullets.asm 6.8 KB
calcuzap.8xp 10.8 KB
calcuzap.asm 13.3 KB
calcuzap.txt 8.1 KB
chars.gst 8.5 KB
chars.i 4.7 KB
collide.asm 11.5 KB
data.asm 2.9 KB
ebullets.asm 6.7 KB
enemies.asm 7.1 KB
epattern.asm 10.9 KB
erandom.asm 5.3 KB
eshoot.asm 9.4 KB 2.2 KB
gfx.asm 11.3 KB
gfxce.asm 8.5 KB
hiscore.asm 8.6 KB
hitenemy.asm 4.1 KB
images.i 100.5 KB
imagesce.i 100.5 KB
level.asm 19.5 KB
loader.asm 3.1 KB
loaderce.asm 1.8 KB
move.asm 14.9 KB
save.asm 5.2 KB
scroll.txt 982 bytes
scroll_table.i 5.2 KB
text.asm 4.1 KB
ti84ce.asm 1.2 KB
ti84cse.asm 1.1 KB
title.asm 12.3 KB 3.4 KB
Download file
File Size
60.5 KB


5 years, 8 months ago


9.8/10 (22 votes)


Super fun and replayable game with a total of 27 difficulty levels and 43 waves of alien ships to face. The starfield background looks great and the powerups are a fun addition. Just the sort of game I was looking for on my calculator.

very funs!!!!!!!

It`s definitely a high performance game.

This is an incredible game! It doesn't take up much storage and it has really good performance! I spend half of my math class playing this.

It is awesome. I have spent soooooooo much time playing this game! Maths class is way more enjoyable now!

This is a wonderful, high performance arcade program to spend your time on. This wasn't included in the gif, but there is some neat parallax scrolling with the stars in the background that adds to the effect and feel of the game even more. 10/10!

This is a nice little VERY high performance program. It is way more fun than it looks in the GIFs provided above. I love the little waving, rainbow bar at the bottom of the home screen that will tell you what is new and a few other useful tips. Definitely worth a download!


  1. Calcuzap 1066 for TI-84 Plus CE (color) (published 5 years, 8 months ago; 2018-12-26 05:12 UTC)
