Archives: Casio Prizm (fx-CG) Graphics Programs
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  3. Casio Prizm (fx-CG) Programs and Games
  4. Casio Prizm (fx-CG) Graphics Programs

Casio Prizm programs for all versions of the calculator. Some programs designed for earlier versions (the CG10 and CG20) may not work correctly on newer calculators (the CG50). We have a guide for how to put programs on the calculator. Lua programs also need LuaZM to run.


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  1. A viewer for pictures in JPEG and PNG formats. This add-in will help you avoid the hassle of having to convert pictures to G3P format so you can view them on your calculator! It can also work as an eActivity strip. Multiple zoom levels supported for JPEG viewing, and long file names supported in the file browser. Lossless and Progressive JPEG not supported. Interlaced PNG not supported.

    Now with fx-CG 50 / Graph 90+E support.

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  2. This is a simple image viewer for the fx-CG 10 and fx-CG 20 calculators. It lets you open files from storage memory, and includes a converter to convert any type of image to the image format used by ImgViewer on the calculator.

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  3. A little paint in basic for your Prizm which use the graph screen.
    Open and save pictures, create and modify pictures with several tools (pixel, dot, line, circle, pot of paint, eraser) and more options.
    Feel free to ask me more details and use it in your own projects.

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  4. This is a random Nyan Cat animation I made. I was bored. If you're bored, you might want this to entertain you. It's a pretty big file, so if you want it, you have to have the right amount of memory. Enjoy....

    Edit: This now has the NyanCat.h, plus the pic is now centered.

    Animation is most accurate at 43.5 MHz.

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  5. This add-in allows you to view PNG files on your Casio Prizm. The screenshot is from the emulator. For details see the included README. The source code and future updates can be found at

    WARNING: I recently found evidence of stack corruption in similar code that this program has for the file browser. Download and run at your own risk.

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  6. This plugin shows you how to display the full-featured menu.

    More information here: or here:

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  7. A demo of a rotating square (technically 2 for front and back due to backface culling) with a texture on it.

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  8. Paint your very own masterpieces with Papa's Painter for the Casio Prizm!

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  9. This is a fire animation I ported from

    It is pretty cool looking and I hope you enjoy it!

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  10. Ever played around with the classic Etch-A-Sketch? Where you draw lines and shake to erase. Here it is on the Prizm, now not only with black, but 7 different colors.

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  11. This program shows you how to code a homescreen scrolling menu with more than 7 items. It also shows you with less than 7 if you change 2 lists inside the code. Read the Readme file for more details.

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  12. Here is a beta version of my Paint program for the Prizm. Don't forget to read the README and enjoy (or at least try)!

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  13. [[Chesstimer v1.1 beta]]
    by TakeFlight Productions (flyingfisch)

    Licensed under the CC share and share alike license


    Simply put it on your prizm.


    Run with the LuaZM interpretor. Select the number of minutes you want the game to last with the up/down keys. Press [EXE]. When you are ready to start the game press [F1]. The two bars at the bottom give a large visualization of the time each player has left. When finished, press [exit].

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  14. This is a lua program that displays a rainbow pattern on the screen of your Casio Prizm. To quit, you either have to press [MENU], [EXIT], or [AC/ON]. Have fun!

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  15. Fire Animation by Spenceboy98 for the new Casio fx-CG 50 with a new icon.

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  16. This demo generates stereo pairs for a rotating 3d object.
    Stereo pairs can be fused together by cross-eye or parallel eye method to achieve a perception of depth.

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  17. I am pursuing the development of this addin with the aim of making a modular program. So it has been partially rewritten to unleash its potential.

    New effects have been added + new program architecture to ease the development of new modules.
    Addition of a menu (with screenshots) to easily select the effect to be seen next.

    The user can use the following keys to interract with the addin :

    [EXIT] to leave to the Operating System.
    [F1] and [F6] to change manually the effect.
    [OPTN] : to show/hide the option menu. While in this menu, the following keys can be used :
    [UP / DOWN] : to select the parameter,
    [LEFT / RIGHT] : to adjust the value of the parameter.
    [OPTN] again to qui the menu
    [MENU] : to show hide the effect selection menu, with the following keys while inside the menu :
    [LEFT / RIGHT] : to adjust the value of the parameter.
    [EXE] : to select and run the chosen effect
    [MENU] again to qui the menu

    Please let me know if you find bugs.

    Everything can be found in (markdown format) in the attached archive.

    Just copy the file DemoFXcg.g3a in your fx-CG10/20/50 and launch it.

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  18. PyFive!

    Welcome to the PyFive, 5 small games or graphics programs written in Python. They all take advantage of the module Casioplot (but take input through traditional methods)

    As you may be aware, Casioplot is very limited when it comes to detecting key presses. The only key that can be detected is AC, and each program describes what (if anything) the AC button does.

    I have tried my best to keep the file size of these programs small so that you can store as many games as possible on your calculator. However, one side effect of that is the code is very unreadable. Sorry about that.

    Here is a brief description of each program (in alphabetical order):

    Collatz draws graph(s) of lines caused by the Collatz Conjecture. If you don't know what that is, it's probably worth following the link below. But put simply, if the number is even, half it, if the number is odd, times it by 3 and add 1. All starting numbers get to a 4-2-1 loop, which is when the program stops drawing. Multiple line graphs can share the same graph, and they are each assigned a random colour. As well as that, a perfect scale is calculated so that all the graphs can fit on the screen. As you can guess by the length of this paragraph, this is the most notable program in the PyFive.

    Secondly, there is Fourmide. Input the starting coordinates, and the program will start drawing a fourmide pattern from there. Even though this program has the least amount of customizability of all the programs in the PyFive, it is the most optimised, sitting at just 474 bytes.

    Next alphabetically is Pixels. Here, you can create your masterpiece by using RGB values and a huge amount of customisation. I won't go through every setting, as there would be too much to go through. Want to share your masterpiece with others? When asked about showing inputs at the end, press 1. This will draw text showing the exact inputs in exactly the right order, making it easily replicated by your friends. Not sure where to start? Then try replicating some of the patterns you can find photographed on the Cemetech post. I kept 'draw input' active for all of them.

    Fourth on the list is SinPattern. By typing in the seed and the quantity of the lines, you can create lots of interesting and unique patterns out of the underrated sine wave. Like pixels, the inputs are shown on the screen at the end. However, since this input text is not very intrusive, it is not optional. Doing this also helps save your valuable memory.

    Last but not least, we have Timings. Probably the closest thing there is to a game in the PyFive, your objective is to press AC when the bar reaches the green signals (shown by the dotted line and then green pixels). Too early or too late, however, and you will lose! There are 10 levels to play, ranging from incredibly easy to incredibly hard. There are a couple of things that you need to know about Timings, the first of which being DO NOT OVERCLOCK. Doing so will completely mess up how I have attempted to make delays (there is no official method). Secondly, this game uses up RAM considerably quickly. Soon enough, you will see a message telling you that RAM is full. Do not worry, as this is not dangerous, all you need to do is close and reopen the program.

    Congratulations! You have just made it through a giant of a README, and I really appreciate you taking the time to read through it all. If you would like a new feature or have found a bug, let me know by writing a review on the Cemetech post.


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  19. Welcome to - an easy to use but satisfying RGB art designer written entirely in python for the Casio Fx-CG50. Design a neat, grid style painting or an utterly chaotic scene, the possibilities are endless!

    Not sure where to start? Lucky, as you can see below, there are four screenshots of the project. On top of them, you can see instructions on what to input should you want to recreate them. Have you found a great pattern you want to share? Then you can do this too! When prompted, type in 1 for seeing list of inputs at the end/AC press.

    This project is SUPER lightweight. Even with all of the mentioned features and the ones I have not mentioned, it only takes up 2.8KB. That's less than this description! Unfortunately, to keep the file size so low, I had to make the code very hard to read with no notes.

    This project was made an tested for MicroPython on the Cg50. Compatibility with other calculators is not guaranteed. If there are any suggestions or bugs, please tell them to me via either a private message or through a rating.

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File statistics are updated periodically, so numbers shown in this listing may not agree exactly with those shown on individual files.
