Lesson 1:

Setting up the Editing Environment


The first thing we need to do before we can begin actually learning assembly, is set up our editing environment. This can be as simple as opening notepad, but I'd like to introduce a few alternatives. There exists a list of all of most of the text editors available here. However, there are a few popular choices that tend to be more appropriate for what we wish to do.



Crimson Editor:

"Crimson Editor is a freeware text editor, source code editor, and HTML editor for Windows."

Crimson Edittor's homepage can be found here. You can download it from here.



"Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment."

In previous versions of Notepad++ and Crimson Editor there were more substantial differences. Crimson Editor has been the more robust IDE while Notepad++ was true to the original notepad in it's sleek and slim features. The two have become so similar that there's nothing substantial that would make me suggest one over the other. In programming forums you either a Crimson Editor or a Notepad++'er; the choice is yours!

Notepad++'s homepage can be found here. You can download it from here.


Latenite is a new player to the z80 IDE series. It's the one of the first major editor to be built specifically for calculator programming. As such, everything you need is integrated within it. It has an assembler (Brass), a sprite edittor (Early Morning), and an emulator (PindurTI) built in, which makes the entire process of developing, testing, and debugging much easier. Also, because it's built for the z80, it provides syntax descriptions and built in error explanations. Also, it's still in developement with an active community backing it; expect even more great features in the future.

<Insert bulleted specific information here about Latenite>

You can find Latenite's homepage here<?>. You can download it here.

Assembly Studio8x:

Assembly Studio 8x is the earliest attempt at a z80 assembly IDE. It supports both the 83 series and the 85 series (both are z80 processors). It has a built in assembler (ZASM?) which makes compiling easier. It has syntax highlighting, and installs a nice icon for ASM programs.

<Insert detailed bulleted information about Assembly Studio 8x here>

Assmebly Studio 8x's homepage can be found here. You can download it here.



Notepad is the classic programming IDE. I'd like to think that we advanced to a point where it's archaic, but we musn't forget that we are programming for a >10 year old processor.

Notepad comes bundled with Windows and can be found here normally. If that link doesn't work try Start->All Programs->Accessories->Notepad.


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